Hello colleagues,
The call for AACP committee volunteers is now open through Friday, April 26. This includes service on the PharmCAS Advisory Committee beginning in July for the 2024-2025 term. Please review the information below to learn about the committee charges, time commitment, and eligibility requirements. Notifications for 2024-2025 committees will be sent to all nominees by June 2024.
NOTE: Volunteers must be individual members of AACP. If interested, join AACP through our secure online membership form. Please contact mail@aacp.org with any questions about your membership.
How to Volunteer: The call for AACP committee volunteers is sent out annually to all AACP members from mail@aacp.org. Volunteering to serve does not guarantee a position on the committee.
Charges: The PharmCAS Advisory Committee should counsel the Association and Liaison International on the development and promotion of the Pharmacy College Application Service (PharmCAS). The Committee will assist with the following objectives:
- Ensuring the centralized application service is designed to meet the needs of academic pharmacy and prospective student pharmacists;
- Ensuring the centralized application service is operationally and fiscally sound;
- Promoting PharmCAS to AACP member institutions, prospective applicants, health professions advisors, and other related organizations; and
- Evaluating system performance and recommendations for enhancements.
Meetings: The committee's work will be conducted through email, online, and monthly conference calls that occur on the second Tuesday of every month at 1:30 pm ET. The committee typically has one in-person meeting during the Admissions Workshop at the AACP Annual Meeting. Additional on-site meetings are not scheduled at this time but may be added if necessary. Individuals who are unable to participate in most meetings should not submit their names for consideration.
Terms: According to Article XII of the Association Bylaws, committee members shall be appointed for a minimum of one year with the option of being invited to serve for up to two additional terms and shall be active individual members of the Association. Therefore, if you are not an individual member of AACP, you must join prior to serving on the committee. Learn more about individual membership benefits on the AACP website. Selected volunteers will be notified by June 2024 with the first meeting occurring in July 2024. Typically, the first and final meetings of a term occur during an in-person meeting held during the AACP Admissions Workshop preceding the Annual Meeting. AACP does not pay for travel to the Workshop. This location was selected as most committee members plan to be onsite.
Stakeholders: The stakeholders represented on the advisory committee are outlined in the table below. There will be three to four vacancies to fill for 2024-2025. The list of stakeholders may change in the future based on the needs of PharmCAS at that time.
Eligibility: All PharmCAS Advisory Committee volunteers must represent a Pharm.D. program that participates in PharmCAS and understand or participate in the local admissions process for the pharmacy program. Volunteers must be individual members of AACP and no more than one representative from an institution can serve at the same time. Committee members who rotate off for a year are welcome to volunteer to serve on the committee again come the next call for AACP committee volunteers. Preference may be given to those who have not served on the committee previously.
Selection Process: The PharmCAS Advisory Committee is a staff-selected governance entity within AACP. Staff strives to identify a diverse and balanced committee relative to geographic location, institution type, demographics, and expertise. The following factors will be considered in the selection process:
- Geographic Region
- Type of Institution: Public versus Private
- Size of Program
- Admissions and CAS Expertise
- Gender
- Race and Ethnicity
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Katie Owings Bruce
Director of Application Services and Student Programs
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
703-739-2330 x1026