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PharmCAS 2024-2025 has launched!

  • 1.  PharmCAS 2024-2025 has launched!

    Posted 07-11-2024 09:02 AM

    Hello colleagues,

    PharmCAS has launched for the 2024-2025 application cycle!
    PharmCAS Resources page on the AACP website contains helpful information and resources for this cycle, including the 2024-2025 PharmCAS School Manual (accessed through the PharmCAS Community on AACP Connect). Important dates can be found beginning on page 59 of the School Manual and on the PharmCAS website.

    Test Application
    You can access the application 
    online. If you wish to view the application in its entirety, please create a test account and use 'test' in your username (for example, Test_Katie) to help us with accurate tracking.

    Assigning Users to the New Cycle
    To log into your WebAdMIT account, follow the instructions below:

    Login Instructions
    Username: your email address

    Password: If you are a returning user, your password remains unchanged from the last time you logged in. You can change your password after you log in by clicking on Account in the upper right corner, then Edit My Account. If you are a new user, once you go to the link above, there be a link for you to set up your initial password.

    Refer to the following pages of the WebAdMIT Help Center for further assistance:

      1. Managing Users (New and Existing)
      2. Creating Work Groups

    Accessing Other Accounts/Cycles
    After the primary contact for your institution has updated the users, all accounts will be accessible with your WebAdMIT login provided above. To access other accounts/cycles, click on the drop-down menu below your name in the upper right corner to toggle between accounts.

    Transfer of Settings
    If you are an institutional manager in WebAdMIT, the transfer settings process can be initiated beginning today, regardless of whether the program has received any verified applications. If you need additional assistance in transferring your settings, please refer to the Transfer Settings Guide in the 
    WebAdMIT Help Center or contact the WebAdMIT Support line at 857-304-2020. Deferred applicants will NOT be pulled over during the Transfer Settings process. See below.

    Deferred Applicants
    The Liaison-Assisted Deferral Process will occur on October 1. This process will automatically move selected data forward for any deferred applicants in the 2023-2024 WebAdMIT into the new cycle and will assign them an application status of Manual. Schools must use the decision code of Deferred for their 2023-2024 deferrals in WebAdMIT by no later than September 30 (and before the deferred data pull on October 1). To determine which applicants are eligible to be deferred and how to code those applicants appropriately, refer to the Deferred Decision Code Policy on pages 85-86 of the PharmCAS School Manual. Schools cannot defer any 2023-2024 applicants after September 30.

    Verification Start Date
    Verification will begin once there are completed applications in the system. Typically, this takes up to a week after launch, but it could be less. As with prior years, Liaison will notify WebAdMIT users once verification begins.

    PharmCAS Team Contact:
    Nicole Iarossi
    Customer Solutions Manager

    AACP Team Contacts:

    Email for School Questions about PharmCAS-related items:

    Email for Questions about the Applicant Code of Conduct: 

    Katie Bruce
    Director of Application Services and Student Programs 

    Susan Vos

    Senior Director of Student Affairs 

    Gabriela Kassar Sanchez

    Student Affairs Coordinator

    Applicant Questions:
    Please direct applicants to contact PharmCAS customer support directly.

    We look forward to a successful cycle and welcome your questions.


    Katie Owings Bruce
    Director of Application Services and Student Programs
    American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
    703-739-2330 x1026