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  • 1.  February Pharm4Me Newsletter

    Posted 4 days ago

    Dear colleagues,

    The February issue of the Pharm4Me Newsletter went out Saturday, February 1st to 2,629 recipients (a mix of pre-pharmacy, undergraduate students, current student pharmacists and staff). The Pharm4Me Newsletter brings prospective students new insights on pharmacy careers and pharmacy school admissions once per month. 

    This month's issue includes:

    We encourage you to share it with anyone you think would benefit!

    Thank you,

    Danielle Stubbs
    Associate Director of Student Recruitment and Diversity
    American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
    Arlington VA

  • 2.  RE: February Pharm4Me Newsletter

    Posted 4 days ago
    Hi Daniel,

    Thank you. How do we submit an article for the upcoming issues?

    Thank you. 

    Frederick Tejada, Ph.D.
    Acting Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Associate Professor
    University of Maryland Eastern Shore
    School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
    30920 College Backbone Rd, Princess Anne, MD 21853
    Phone: (410) 621-2123