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Call for Photos and Pharm4Me Events

  • 1.  Call for Photos and Pharm4Me Events

    Posted 02-13-2024 09:50 AM

    Hello Colleagues,   


    AACP is seeking high-quality photos from colleges and schools of pharmacy for use in the PharmCAS, PharmGrad, Pharm4Me, and AACP media. We encourage you to send photo links or attachments to by April 5.  

    About the Call: Our goal is to continue to feature images of actual pharmacy students, faculty, and programs, rather than rely on stock photos in PharmCAS, PharmGrad, and Pharm4Me media. We are particularly interested in photos that highlight students and/or faculty in the classroom, lab, clinic, or community. Ideally, the images will have been taken by a professional photographer within the last 5 years and be provided to AACP in a high-resolution file format.  

    Note- Our member institutions will benefit from the "free advertising" as we are no longer deidentifying new photos used in our social media. AACP staff will ensure the images are rotated regularly to ensure equal benefit to all member institutions. Not all photos may be selected for use in our social media. Any photos used on a website will still be deidentified to ensure these more enduring images continue to serve and represent all of our member schools.  

    Photo Release: Institutions or individuals that submit photos grant AACP the irrevocable and unrestricted right to reproduce and edit the images for the purpose of publication, promotion, or illustration in AACP, PharmCAS, PharmGrad, and Pharm4Me media. The institution releases AACP from all claims and liability related to the photos. The institution and individuals in the photos waive their rights to any compensation from AACP. The individuals featured in the photos, including any patients, have granted permission to use their likeness. 

    We thank you in advance for your consideration and look forward to seeing your photos! 


    AACP and Pharm4Me would like to promote your college or school's summer programs for prospective pharmacy students! Please use the Pharm4Me Events Calendar Submission Form to provide information on your upcoming summer programs, and they will be added to the Upcoming Events page on the Pharm4Me website. This is a free and easy way to promote your recruitment events to a broader audience.   

    Information sessions, recruitment events, and other related programming can be submitted to the Pharm4Me Events Calendar year-round. Please contact with any questions.

    Gabriela Kassar Sanchez
    Student Affairs Coordinator
    American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
    Arlington VA