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2023-2024 Final Admissions Decisions due September 30

  • 1.  2023-2024 Final Admissions Decisions due September 30

    Posted 25 days ago
    Edited by Katie Bruce 25 days ago

    Hello colleagues,

    Please remember to submit final decision codes for all Verified applicants in the 2023-2024 (previous) cycle by September 30. You do not need to enter decision codes for applicants in other statuses, such as Received and Undelivered. As part of the process, move all accepted applicants who have started classes for the fall 2024 entering class to the "Matriculated" code. ("None" and "Incomplete" are not final decisions. Instead, use the "Denied" code in these cases.)


    1. WITHDREW: Applicant withdrew application before a program decision was made.
    2. DENIED: Applicant was denied admission to the program. Use code for any applicants who remained in the "None," "Incomplete/Application Not Reviewed," or "Wait List" status after classes started and were never accepted or denied by the program.
    3. WAIT LIST: Applicant was placed on an alternate list.
    4. OFFER MADE: Institution made an offer of admission to the applicant.
    5. OFFER ACCEPTED: Applicant accepted offer of admission.
    6. DECLINED OFFER: Applicant did not accept offer of admission. Use code to identify applicants who (a) contacted the school to decline the offer, (b) never responded to the offer, and (c) initially accepted the offer and later declined for any reason before classes started.
    7. DEFERRED: Applicant accepted offer for the next enrollment year (2024-2025 only). See also the Deferred Decision Code Policy below.
    8. RESCINDED: Institution revoked offer of admission (rare occurrence). Use code for applicants who were initially accepted to the program and later denied due to significant academic issues (e.g., poor grades during the spring term) or egregious conduct (e.g., falsified transcripts). Do NOT use this code for applicants who were unresponsive to an offer of admission.
    9. MATRICULATED: Accepted applicant started classes in the professional program.
    10. RECEIVED/UNDER REVIEW: Institution is reviewing the application. NOT A FINAL DECISION.
    11. INCOMPLETE/APPLICATION NOT REVIEWED: Use this code to reflect PharmCAS verified applicants who failed to meet your supplemental requirements and were not considered for admission. This code is not intended for applicants who withdrew their application at any point during the cycle or were formally denied admission for any reason. For Incomplete/Application Not Reviewed decision code, please use final decision code Denied.
    12. WITHDREW AFTER MATRICULATION: Applicant withdrew after classes started.

    *Final decision codes are noted in RED

    Map Local Status to Decision Code
    Programs should properly map the local status codes in WebAdMIT to the standard set of PharmCAS admission decision codes shown above. Failure to properly map the data fields will create data errors for the program and other programs with shared applicants.

    If an accepted applicant has been deferred until the fall 2025 entering class, see the PharmCAS Deferred Decision Code Policy below.

    1. Only accepted applicants with Verified status can be deferred. Applicants with Withdrew, Denied, Wait List, Rescinded, Received/Under Review, and Incomplete decision codes are ineligible for Deferred status because these applicants were not accepted by the program. Additionally, applicants who were processed through the Liaison InterCAS Program (formerly Liaison's Explore Health Careers program) are ineligible to use the Deferred decision code.
    2. Use the OFFER MADE or OFFER ACCEPTED decision codes for qualified applicants who were accepted to the upcoming entering class (e.g., Fall 2024 entering class for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle) and have not yet started classes.
    3. The DEFERRED code indicates an applicant (1) was accepted by the school, (2) was offered/or requested a deferral, *and* (3) agreed to be deferred to the following entering class by no later than September 30 of the original cycle. Accepted applicants who have declined or do not respond to a deferral offer from the school by September 30 should be coded as Declined Offer.
    4. Only use the DEFERRED decision code in WebAdMIT for applicants who meet all of the following criteria:
      • Were previously accepted for the upcoming entering class,
      • Have extenuating circumstances that prevent them from enrolling in the upcoming entering class (e.g., pregnancy),
      • Were granted a one-year deferral by the college/school of pharmacy, and
      • Are not required to submit any updated application materials beyond what is required for other accepted applicants.
    5. PharmCAS will automatically pull selected data forward for all applicants with the DEFERRED code in the previous cycle into the new WebAdMIT (starting October 1).
    6. Deferred applicants must not create a new (duplicate) account or apply to additional programs in PharmCAS when the new cycle opens. To minimize the likelihood that your deferred applicants will create a duplicate PharmCAS account, you may wish to require them to confirm their intent to enroll during the next academic year and not create a new account.
    7. If you will require your deferred applicants to submit new application materials (e.g., transcripts, evaluations) beyond what is required for other accepted applicants, PharmCAS considers them to be re-applicants. Use the DECLINED OFFER code in WebAdMIT and instruct them to re-apply via PharmCAS during the next cycle using the re-applicant feature, so they may submit updated materials via PharmCAS at that time (even if they retain deferred or preferred status at the institution).
    8. If you grant a deferral to an accepted applicant for more than one academic year, PharmCAS considers them to be re-applicants for the following (or future) cycle. Use the DECLINED OFFER code and instruct them to re-apply via PharmCAS during the admissions cycle before they plan to matriculate (even if they retain deferred or preferred status at the institution).

    Remember to post all deferred decision codes for the 2023-2024 cycle into WebAdMIT by September 30. Refer to page 85 of the PharmCAS School Manual for more information on the Liaison-Assisted Deferral Process.


    Once an applicant accepts an offer of admission and the school participating in the Certiphi process enters a code of Offer Accepted into WebAdMIT, Certiphi Screening sends an email to the preferred email address of the applicant, as entered in the PharmCAS application. This email provides the applicant with access to a secure, online form by which they provide basic identifying information and consent for this report to be procured. Their consent serves for all programs. They are not asked to provide consent accepting additional offers from participating programs. Please see the rules below.

    • Offer Accepted is the only decision code that triggers the CBC in Certiphi.
    • Matriculated decision code does not trigger any action in Certiphi. To trigger a CBC in Certiphi, you must first move the student to the "Offer Accepted" code.
    • Offer Made decision code does not trigger any action in Certiphi.
    • Deferred does not trigger any action in Certiphi, nor affect a school's ability to view a check.
    • Declined Offer, Rescinded, Withdrew, and Withdrew After Matriculation will result in the cancellation of the check.
    • Moving an applicant to a different decision code (other than Declined Offer, Rescinded, Withdrew, or Withdrew After Matriculation) after the check is triggered will not impact viewing or cancellation of the check. See table below.


    Offer Accepted

    Trigger CBC

    Declined Offer






    Withdrew After Matriculation


    More information on the Sharing of Admission Decisions can be found starting on page 83 of the 
    PharmCAS School Manual.

    Please let us know if you have any questions.



    Katie Owings Bruce
    Director of Application Services and Student Programs
    American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
    703-739-2330 x1026