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Community Pharmacy Student Scholar Leaders Program

  • 1.  Community Pharmacy Student Scholar Leaders Program

    Posted 08-21-2023 12:19 PM
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    Do you know a student(s) who is passionate about transforming community pharmacy practice?
    The ACT Pharmacy Collaborative is launching the Community Pharmacy Student Scholar Leaders Program, supported by a grant from the Community Pharmacy Foundation, to give P2-P4 PharmD students the opportunity to 1) develop leadership skills, 2) cultivate a network of colleagues interested in community-based pharmacy practice, 3) apply important community pharmacy transformation concepts and theories, and 4) create a practice transformation philosophy and a career development plan to drive community-based pharmacy practice. A cohort of 50 students from across the country will be selected to complete this program during the 2023-2024 academic year, which will include 4 virtual sessions held once a month (January-April 2024) and an immersive 3-day virtual workshop (May-June 2024). Students who complete this program will receive a pin, a certificate of completion, and be recognized as a leader in community-based pharmacy on the ACT Pharmacy Collaborative website and the websites of national association partners. Applications are due September 15th 2023 
    Please feel free to use the attached flyer to market this program to students. 

    Danielle Stubbs
    Associate Director of Student Recruitment and Diversity
    American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
    Arlington VA


    ACT-StudentScholars.pdf   305 KB 1 version